What Best Probate Lawyers In Singapore Play Duties And Roles?
Who is a Probate Lawyer?
Generally speaking, probate lawyers call estate or trust lawyers. They help executors of the estate (or “administrators," if there's no will) manage the probate process. Probate lawyers may help with estate planning, like drafting wills or living trusts, advising on powers of attorney, or perhaps function as an executor or administrator. If you want the Best Probate Lawyers in Singapore, get connected to our firm, where you may get experienced probate lawyers who can provide you with genuine advice per your case background.
Duties of Probate Lawyer:
Draw up a legally-valid will – A poorly written will can cause uncertainty and infighting in the family when you are gone, or in a worst-case scenario, might not even be valid. Your probate lawyer can make sure your wishes get considered. You will distribute your assets after your death and appoint caregivers for your children should your spouse also pass away.
Apply for a Grant of Probate – When someone passes away, assuming he or she has written a will, the will’s executor is required to first obtain a Grant of Probate under the Probate and Administration Act. Then only he or she is allowed to distribute the estate as indicated in the will. The executor hires a probate lawyer to apply for this Grant of Probate.
Apply for Letters of Administration – If a family member passes away without a will and is a beneficiary of their estate, an application is required to be submitted to obtain Letters of Administration. The assets of your deceased family member can get distributed to those inheriting them. A spouse or next-of-kin typically makes this application for the dead who gets appointed as administrator.
Offer advice on the deceased’s estate – As an executor, administrator, or beneficiary, you are likely to need advice on ensuring the deceased’s estate gets located, sold, and distributed correctly. Complicated situations can arise, such as assets held in trust or overseas or assets and liabilities being unknown. A lawyer can guide you through the steps to take to ensure the deceased’s estate gets handled correctly.
What is the Role of a Probate Lawyer?
Additionally, a probate attorney could also be chargeable for performing any of the subsequent tasks when advising an executor/administrator:
❖ Collecting and managing life assurance proceeds
❖ Getting the decedent's property appraised
❖ Finding and securing all of the decedent's assets
❖ Advising on how to pay the decedent's bills and settle the debt
❖ Preparing/filing documents pro re nata by a tribunal
❖ Managing the estate's checkbook
If you need any Will Lawyer in Singapore, you can contact us through our company’s website link or visit us at our company’s office and fix a face to face meeting.
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